Friday, September 25, 2015

9/1/2015 Raquel

September 1st 2015 Backcountry Canada, Missinabi Lake

"Wake up in the morning and it's hard to live...." One of my favorite Sublime lyrics that come to mind when I woke up this morning. Thinking about my love for reggae music that specifically gets through rough situations, but then I think about how this is not a tough situation, it is an adventure/expedition of my personal choice, as well as for the rest of the tribe. Things could be a lot worse plus we all have food, shelter, water, and the best company. This is not a bad circumstance, the mornings have the tendency to put me into overload of things I must have accomplished by said time. With that being said I am not a morning person and am that person that will roll over when told to wake up. This bad morning attitude usually leads me to a not so great start with a granola bar on the side for breakfast which is not so great to start off the day of paddling. I am realizing that my decisions impact the rest of the tribe and considering that message I have to start making wiser ones...such as listening to tips and comments for paddling. Today instead of those insights going through one ear and going out the other. I was given the chance to act and apply the jay-stroke and sweeping which are paddling techniques for a more efficient canoeing experience. Today I really am missing family and friends and wondering what they are up to, as well as how they are doing. Coping with that is hard when you are out here and all you can really do is write about it and hope for the best. Staying positive is the one thing that we can encourage to keep going day by day. Reflection upon myself is very significant and I find myself emphasizing those aspects on a daily basis. I could not see it any other way to be honest because I am here to see both sides of the spectrum not just one sides instances. I am learning from my mistakes, not only to take chances but to pre-meditate and acknowledge  that I am still a human being with flesh and bones trying my very best to move forward on this expedition. I am very excited for whatever is to come, whether it be a difficult task or easy one, exhausting one or not so much... BRING IT ON! 

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