Monday, April 20, 2015


Hello Everyone!
We are very excited to be bring you the first Ecoee 2015 blog post! Many things have been going on since that first day of class. Little did we know that the time we called class would quickly turn into a large portion of all of our lives. This first semester has been a time of growth for many of us. Throughout this semester our diligent tribe members have been expanding their knowledge of a plethora of interesting subjects. The group has been put through many uncomfortable  With that being said our group is extremely excited for our future endeavors that are have ahead of us. So far we have camped out at Horn Field Campus and went through an array of activities that created a trial run for what it is to come! It becomes invigorating having the opportunity to actually get out there and feel the morning dew as well as the sun rising overhead. Essentially, going back to the basics returns a sense of living simply. I feel as though we are all working well together as a group and with different team building activities will surely make us all grow together as a family. This last weekend the tribe went canoeing down the Illinois River on the Voyager. That was an extremely amazing mission we had to do, we covered approximately 64 miles in 3 days. For many of us this was the first time being in a canoe as well as paddling non-stop for miles at a time. This in it self creates a goal for the tribe's physical capabilities, as well as trying our best to start working on ourselves to get the proper exercises for the preparation of the expedition. So stay positive everyone, we just have to motivate one another to stay active to conquer the future endeavors that have yet to come....


"Be the change you want to be in the world"
-Mahatma Gandhi

-Red Beard