Saturday, November 7, 2015

11/2/15 Trent Grossman

Normally when I write in this journal I try and come up with a creative way of expressing how I am feeling. Or at very least an entertaining story from our travels. This is not going to be one of those journals. This journal is being written by a long two day seriously lacking of sleep. I find myself feeling very weary on the floor of the Starbucks and have been loitering all day long. From beginning to end I have been plugging away at the pile of homework that I have been avoiding all seamster long. This feeling can be discouraging and cause frustrations within myself. Despite these last weeks being anxiety riddled I am still grateful for the experience I have had and the feeling is cause by my own foolishness. At the beginning of this whole experience I had my instructor and many former ECOEE students tell me how much of a challenge it was going to be. I did not understand at this moment what it was like to live in the growing zone. I probably still do not have a solid understanding of that but it sure as heck feels like it. I am eager for the time where I can smile again with what I am doing. Guess what else? At the end of the day I am not going to have to debrief my feelings to a group of individuals. As a reminder this is being written by a sleep deprived person, so if you made it to the end of this entry thanks for staying tuned.

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