Saturday, October 17, 2015

9/27/2015 Josh Samuels

Today was the second time I awoke in a hotel while on ECOEE. Though this time it was the because of the tribes day off, and I was in Macomb and not Canada. The morning was spent trying to enjoy the free time back in society, if Macomb can be called society. I stopped at Farm King and Wal-Mart to resupply on gear and food for myself in the next half of the expedition. Wandering over to Sesame Garden, choosing to enjoy some Chinese food that I did not get to eat while on ECOEE thus far. Thinking about where I wanted to eat my newly received food, I contemplated a decision between the air-conditioned restaurant, or to drive out to spring lake to see another familiar sigh. I chose the later.
            When taking a day off, attempting to enjoy the day in a small concrete jungle, I wandered away. This stuck me with a strange humor. On the one and only day that I receive to do what I please, go where ever I want, and almost complete freedom I chose to do exactly what I was already doing. Finding myself leaving the town and university behind, and venturing out to the woods even on the day that I had the freedom to choose the city life.
            This makes me feel like I am making the right choice with not only this semester but in my career. If I can do anything I want, complete freedom, and I end up right where I started, that says something. Lying in the grass, eating chines food, enjoying good company, and teaching some of the skills that I have been learning this first half of the semester made today a wonderful day.
            My last guilty desire while my day off was coming to a close was ice cream. Having grown up with it twice a day, a month without it and I was craving it a lot. Dairy queen was my last stop, before returning to Horn Field campus around seven this evening. After this I rejoined with the rest of the tribe. We made a last stop of gear and educational materials in Horrabin and Currens Halls we as a tribe was greeted with a pleasant surprise by Jeff, our instructor. He purchased everyone, at least those that wanted it, a medium cone of your choice from dairy queen on the way back from Horn Field Campus. Finally, having my ice cream twice a day again I was full of the dairy that I have craved. Maybe for dairy, twice a day would satisfy my craving for ice cream, but nothing compares to my craving for the outdoor adventure. As even on my day off, I found myself wandering through the woods of Spring Lake just to satisfy the urge to not be in society again. Another reminder to get lost in the only place you cannot lose yourself, the outdoors.

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