Saturday, October 17, 2015

10/07/15 Raquel Leal

On the road to the Tetons!!

What a memorable way of saying goodbye to Yellowstone National Park! While driving away from this magical place the group was able to spot a mystical place male elk! As well as the elk we spotted a grizzly grazing near the bobby socks trees. It was an overwhelming feeling leaving this beautiful place, and to be quite honest I am coming back to this place! Abundant amounts of scenic locations that seemed to merely be a dream, but seriously this is all real! It is truly just as magnificent as the good Ol' Faithful and the shooting steam rockets. This environment out in the West is a complete 360 difference from what I am accustomed to seeing in the Midwest. How could I have been deprived of such diverse landscapes? It is just so serial to me... Why won't someone pinch me already?! Jeff kind of reminds me of Miss Frizzle from the magic school bus, taking all of his students to places that are unheard of. Expect we are the ones setting the culture for this trip! Never too sure what to expect next, but always excited for the next step. Never saw a grizzly, elk, or bison before in my life and it brings this sense of enlightenment because these animals are apart of our history, life, and longevity. I am honored to be apart of this expedition although there are moments when I want to jump out of the moving van. Just kidding, but seriously... I cannot seem to wrap my head around all this beauty. The Grand Canyon at Yellowstone had to be my favorite place to be, I could say that I never wanted to leave but on to the next destination! By the way, those Tetons were glorious! I was speechless when I saw the mouton top and how high up it was at! Man, I could stay there forever as well, now I know why they are called THE GRAND TETONS! Only stayed there for a few hours since we were on a bit of a time crunch. Currently in Idaho, making our ways to California! Gosh we are all so blessed, writing in the car is not such a great, but I wanted to give a perspective of on the road notes! Peace, love and hair greece.

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